Case Solution
- Peter Guber: The "Me" vs. "We" Brand
- Beyond the Bean
- Portland Trail Blazers
- The Passion of the Christ (A)
- Radiohead: Music at Your Own Price (B)
- Pokemon: Gotta Catch 'Em All, Spanish Version
- Seeing What's on Red Auerbach's Mind
- Museum of Fine Arts Boston
- Oasis of the Seas: The Largest Cruise Liner in the World
- Royal Reels: Enhancing the Customer Experience for Slot Machines and Beyond
- The Metropolitan Opera (B)
- Major League Soccer--1996-98: Now, Later...Never?
- CCM Hockey: The Re-Launch of the U+ Pro Skate
- Otago Museum
- The Ontario Hockey League
- Using "Biztainment" to Gain Competitive Advantage
- Sony PS4: Winning the Gaming War
- The Rise of the Regional Sport Network Content Ownership in an Ever-Changing World: The YES Network in 2009
- Daktronics (B): The Large Sports Venue Sales Channel
- Business of Golf: Islington Golf Club
- Art Online
- Maria Sharapova: Marketing a Champion (B)
- CW: Launching a Television Network
- TiVo in 2002: Consumer Behavior
- Sports Agents: Is There a Firm Advantage?
- Comedy Nights with Kapil: Maintaining Value Creation
- LeBron James
- The Tate's Digital Transformation
- Are Movie Theaters Doomed? Do Exhibitors see the Big Picture as Theaters lose their Competitive Edge?
- Massachusetts Lottery
- Infineon Raceway (Sears Point Raceway): Marketing in the Motorsports World
- Kat Rose Inc. - Sponsoring All-Star Cricket: A Selling Dilemma
- Sony-FIFA Partnership Marketing Program: The Value of Sponsorship
- Ohio Art
- Major League Baseball--1999
- CEIBS: A Global Business School Made in China
- The U.S. Military Academy at West Point
- PhD Project: The Marketing of Business School Faculty Diversity (A)
- Renaming Computer Power Group
- Bridge International Academies: A School in a Box, Portuguese Version
- Hurricane Island Outward Bound School, Spanish Version
- Progressive Education Network (PEN): Creating Social Impact in Pakistan
- The Ethics of Fundraising (C): The Catcher Gift and the Admissions Director
- Harold Morton and the Rivendell Board (A)
- Corporate Strategy: Course Introduction
- Why Do Strategies Fail? Advanced Competitive Strategy, Module Note for Students
- Natura and Matilde: Friendly Neighbors
- Designing the Thinker of the Future
- Globalization of HBS
- BSL: A Business School in Transition (C) Outcomes
- Learning Co.
- Asahi Net: Bringing Innovation to Education
- AmCham of Nicaragua: Sponsorship Program
- NewSchools Venture Fund in 2004: At a Crossroads
- The Ethics of Fundraising (A): Santa in Spring Chimney-Hung Stockings Overflow
- Teach for America 2005
- Coursera
- THE TENDLEY CONTRACT - Confidential Instructions for the Schools
- THE TENDLEY CONTRACT - Confidential Information for the Consultant
- Grove Scholars Program: Putting Rungs Back on the Ladder
- Math for Strategists
- Harvard Business School Social Enterprise Initiative at the Ten-Year Mark
- Harold Morton and the Rivendell Board (B)
- Seacoast Science Center: Sailing the Shoals
- Fulton County School System: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard
- Chicago Public Education Fund (A)
- How Do Firms Change Their Strategies Successfully? Advanced Competitive Strategy, Module Note for Students
- United Learning (A)
- Rise of the Direct Subsidy Scheme: Primary Schooling in Hong Kong
- Quest Scholars Program
- Evergreen Executive Education, LLC
- Destination-U: College Counseling on the Internet
- Intertech: Instructors who Consult. Consultants who Teach
- Digital Opportunity Trust's Business Model for Social Enterprise Work
- INSEAD: One School, Two Campuses - Going to Asia
- Dana Hall: Funding a Mission (A)
- The U.S. Educational System: Key Issues and the Role of Business Leadership
- Universita' Bocconi: Transformation in the New Millennium
- UNEXT: Business Education and e-Learning
- Gregory Shine Daycare
- Patagonia
- YPF - The Argentine Oil Nationalization of 2012
- GE's Growth Strategy: The Immelt Initiative
- Group Functions at the Maersk Group
- General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)
- The K-Dow Petrochemicals Joint Venture
- BHP: Mining Potash
- Equity Capital Raising: The SEO of Petrobras 2010 (B)
- Dubai: Global Economy, Chinese Version
- Gran Tierra Energy Inc. in Brazil
- Continuous Casting Investments at USX Corp.
- Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (C)
- Bougainville Copper Ltd. (E)
- Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (A)
- Maxco, Inc. and The Gambit Co.
- Sunk Costs: The Plan to Dump the Brent Spar (A), Spanish Version
- Sunk Costs: The Plan to Dump the Brent Spar (D)
- Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (D)
- Block 16: Management's Perspective
- The Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board
- Manila Water Company
- Sunk Costs: The Plan to Dump the Brent Spar (E)
- Offshore Drilling Industry, Spanish Version
- Buildings and Energy
- Australia: Commodities and Competitiveness
- Monsanto and the Global Water Treatment Industry
- Block 16: Ecuadorian Government's Perspective
- Bougainville Copper Ltd. (B)
- Green Gold -an Innovative Sustainable Mining Scheme
- Amanco: Developing the Sustainability Scorecard
- Block 16: Indigenous Peoples' Perspective, Spanish Version
- Vale: Global Expansion in the Challenging World of Mining, Chinese Version
- Sinopec: Refining its Strategy
- Newmont Mining Corp. and a Mercury Spill in Peru (B)
- Sustainable Development at Shell (A)
- The Environment, Development and Participation: the Dilemmas of Asociacion Civil Labor
- Pennzoil Co.
- Sustainable Development at Shell (B)
- Alcoa's Bid for Alcan (A)
- Saudi Arabia: Modern Reform, Enduring Stability
- In the Spotlight: The Market for Iron Ore
- Welsh Water (D): General Information and Confidential Instructions for Sam Johnson, Lead Negotiator for SWAB
- Regulatory Pressure and Competitive Dynamics: Carbon Management Strategies of UK Energy-Intensive Companies
- Goldas: Quality Is a Fact
- British Petroleum (B): Focus on Learning
- China Shenhua Energy Company
- BP and the Consolidation of the Oil Industry--1998-2002, Spanish Version
- Samarco: the role of businesses in empowering people, Portuguese Version
- Government Policy and Firm Strategy in the Solar Photovoltaic Industry
- Sheaffer International's BOOM Program
- Sasol: U.S. Growth Program
- MOL: The TVK Acquisition
- Fortune Motors (Taiwan): Implementing Strategy Change Using the Balanced Scorecard (A)
- Russia and China: Energy Relations and International Politics
- IT-Led Business Transformation at Reliance Energy
- Sustainable Development at Shell (C)
- Babcock International Plc.
- Corporate Responsibility & Community Engagement at the Tintaya Copper Mine (A)
- Equity Capital Raising: The SEO of Petrobras 2010 (A)
- Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (B)
- Kfar Giladi Quarries: Crisis During an Economic Recession
- GREENoneTEC: Fierce Competition Under the Sun
- Alcoa's Bid for Alcan (B)
- The Great East Japan Earthquake (A)
- Newmont Mining Corp. and a Mercury Spill in Peru (A)
- De Beers at the Millennium, Spanish Version
- Welsh Water (C): General Information and Confidential Instructions for Chris Smith, Lead Negotiator for NALGO
- Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Note on Mining in Peru
- British Petroleum (A1): Organizing for Performance at BPX
- Rio Tinto Iron Ore: Challenges of Globalization in the Mining Industry
- Suntech Power
- Block 16: Environmental Groups' Perspectives
- ArcelorMittal in India: Sustainable Partnership Model
- Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility: Newmont Mining Corporation
- Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited: Overseas Acquisitions (B)
- Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited: Overseas Acquisitions (A)
- Welsh Water (E): General Information and Confidential Instructions for Pat Cooper, Lead Negotiator for NUPE
- Global Climate Change and BP
- Welsh Water (F): Postscript
- Oil Tanker Shipping Industry in 1983
- Welsh Water (A): General Information
- Energizing Cities: Lighting the Way Forward
- Gas Natural BAN's Strategy for Low-Income Sectors
- CSIRO: The Light Metals Flagship Decision
- Container Transportation Company
- R&B Falcon, Spanish Version
- Should Cairn India Venture into Offshore Drilling?
- Suncor in the Oil Sands Industry
- Rockwell International (A), Spanish Version
- Bougainville Copper Ltd. (C)
- Pemex (B): The Rebound?
- Wastewater Recycling: Public Relations for a Controversial Technology
- Welsh Water (B): General Information and Confidential Instructions for M. Harrington, Lead Negotiator for Welsh Water
- IR at BP: Investor Relations and Information Reconnaissance
- Dominion Resources, Inc. (A)
- E.ON Corporate Strategy
- Sweco, Inc. (A)
- Should Business Influence the Science and Politics of Global Environmental Change? (A): The Oil Industry and Climate Change
- Tata Chemicals Magadi: Confronting Poverty in Rural Africa
- Colbun and the Future of Chile's Power
- Dominion Resources, Inc. (B)
- Towngas: Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Customer Relationship Management
- Sunk Costs: The Plan to Dump the Brent Spar (B)
- Tin Mining, Inc., Spanish Version
- Natural Gas
- Range Resources: A Commitment to Transparency
- De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. (A)
- Raise Your Glasses - The Water's Magic! Strategic IT At SA Water: A Case Study In Alignment, Outsourcing and Governance
- Anglo American: Implementing a 'Social Way' for Global Mining
- Water Crisis in India
- De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. (B)
- Anglo American (A)
- GVM Exploration Limited
- The End of Oil
- Questionable Payments Abroad: Gulf in Italy
- Sweco, Inc. (A1)
- Aiming Toward a Hydrogen Economy: Icelandic New Energy Ltd. (Islensk Nyorka)
- Advanced Energy: Programs for Energy Conservation
- Yancoal: The Saskatchewan Potash Question
- BP: Beyond Petroleum?
- Bougainville Copper Ltd. (D)
- The Offshore Drilling Industry in 2011
- Germany's Green Energy Revolution
- Environmental Compliance at Suncor Energy's Firebag Facility
- DONG Energy: Clean and Reliable Energy
- Bougainville Copper Ltd. (Condensed)
- eStore at Shell Canada Limited
- The Pacific LNG Project
- Pemex (A): In a Free Fall?
- Gold Claim at Sturgeon Lake
- Sunk Costs: The Plan to Dump the Brent Spar (C)
- Readiness to Internationalize at Maynooth Natural Granite
- GE Energy - The Decision to Re-enter India: Is Opportunity "Blowing in the Wind?"
- Barrick Gold: Peter Munk's Leadership and Legacy
- Corporate Responsibility & Community Engagement at the Tintaya Copper Mine (B)
- Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility: BHP Billiton and the Tintaya Dialogue
- Tale of Two Cities: Water Supply in Hong Kong and Macau
- Groom Energy Solutions: Selling Efficiency
- Aguas del Aconquija S.A.: Privatization in Troubled Waters
- Anglo American (B)
- The Fall of Circuit City Stores, Inc.
- Restructuring CNPC and the Proposed Listing of PetroChina
- Lincoln Electric
- Globalization of CEMEX
- SANY: Going Global
- BRADFORD DEVELOPMENT - General Information
- Otis Elevator Co.: China Strategy (B)
- Inner City Renovation: Rebuilding Properties, Lives and Communities
- zipRealty: Leading a Start-up to the Next Level (B)
- Vossloh: Restoring Trust after Two Consecutive Profit Warnings
- APPLETON V. BAKER - Confidential Information for Baker's Agent
- Steve Jackson Faces Resistance to Change
- Canyon Johnson Urban Fund
- THE BULLARD HOUSES - Confidential Instructions for the Buyer's Representative
- Edens & Avant
- PARKER - GIBSON - Confidential Instructions for the Gibsons
- Cementownia Odra (B)
- Curled Metal Inc.--Engineered Products Division
- TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT PARTNERS - Confidential Instructions for the V.P. of Operations at AST
- Titan Products, Inc.: Acquisition of Franz Schuler GMBH (A)
- Komatsu in China, Chinese Version
- Finning International: Moving into Plant Hire
- Colonial Homes
- CSCEC: Transformation and Development
- Nehemiah Strategy: Bringing It to Boston
- HONG KONG PROPERTY DEAL: AN INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION CASE SIMULATION - Confidential Information for Terry Jones, Hong Kong Marketing Manager for Outback Foods
- Finning International: Integrating Hewden Stuart PLC
- Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (B2)
- Hans-Hugo Miebach
- Otis Elevator Co.: China Joint Venture (B2)
- Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (B4)
- Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (B3), Spanish Version
- Roadway Construction Company
- Toll Brothers
- Contestability of the Land Market in Hong Kong
- TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT PARTNERS - Confidential Instructions for the V.P. of Procurement at AST
- DEVELOPMENT ON BAY ISLAND - Confidential Instructions for the Representative of Manatee Townhomes
- Lincoln Electric: Venturing Abroad
- THE BULLARD HOUSES - Confidential Instructions for the Seller's Representative
- Making Lemonade in Chicago's Troubled Neighborhoods
- Metso Paper: Globalization of Finnish Metal Workshops
- APPLETON V. BAKER - Confidential Information for Appleton's Agent
- Yunnan Tourism Co., Ltd: Developing Garden Expo '99 Site into a First-Class Urban Eco-Cultural Complex
- Managing Risk Across Borders, W.S. Atkins: Strategy for Russia
- TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT PARTNERS - Confidential Instructions for the V.P. of Engineering at TEP
- TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT PARTNERS - Confidential Instructions for the V.P. of Sales at TEP
- Otis Elevator Co.: China Joint Venture (C)
- Roof for the South--Building with Love: FUPROVI-Repretel-Mutual Heredia, Spanish Version
- Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (B6), Spanish Version
- Titan Products, Inc.: Acquisition of Franz Schuler GMBH (B-2)
- Otis Elevator Co.: China Joint Venture (D)
- BRADFORD DEVELOPMENT - Confidential Information for the Mayor's Representative
- PARKER - GIBSON - Inventory/Satisfaction Questionnaire
- Tomasz Budziak
- Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (B5)
- Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (A), Spanish Version
- Jumping the Line? Scalping in Hong Kong's Property Market
- Mountain Lumber Company
- Titan Products, Inc.: Acquisition of Franz Schuler GMBH (B-1)
- BRADFORD DEVELOPMENT - Confidential Information for the Developer's Representative
- Exclusive Resorts: Entrepreneurial Positioning and Nonmarket Defense
- Airport Express Metro Line: Infrastructure Project Financing and Implementation Through Public Private Partnership
- USG Corp. (A)
- Otis Elevator Co.: China Joint Venture (A)
- Riverside and DEC: Riverside Lumber Confidential Instructions
- McDonald's, Wendy's, and Hedge Funds: Hamburger Hedging?
- MacTara Limited and the Wood Products Industry in Nova Scotia
- Madras Cements, Ltd.
- Escapes Outdoor Living Designs Inc.
- HONG KONG PROPERTY DEAL: AN INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION CASE SIMULATION - Confidential Information for Lee Wing, Importer and Entrepreneur
- Emerging Markets: Look Before You Leap
- CEMEX: Transforming a Basic Industry Company
- DuPont Tyvek(R): Commercializing a Disruptive Innovation
- Selkirk Group in Asia (Condensed)
- Stone Container in Honduras (A)
- THE BULLARD HOUSES - General Instructions
- PARKER - GIBSON - Confidential Instructions for the Parkers
- Cementownia Odra (A)
- TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT PARTNERS - Confidential Instructions for the V.P. of Business Development at TEP
- Arborite
- PAX Scientific
- DEVELOPMENT ON BAY ISLAND - Confidential Instructions for the Representative of the Department of Streets and Thoroughfares
- Bridgit
- TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT PARTNERS - Confidential Instructions for the V.P. of Engineering at AST
- Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (B1)
- Hancock Land Co. and Hancock Lumber Co. (A)
- CNBM: Rolling Up China's Cement Industry
- Banyan Tree Resorts & Hotels: Building an International Brand From an Asian Base
- Edward Jones in 2006: Confronting Success
- Martini Klinik: Prostate Cancer Care
- Corporate Venture Capital
- HSBC Holdings
- Capital One Financial Corp.
- Discovery Limited
- Prudential Securities
- Deal Making in Troubled Waters: The ABN AMRO Takeover
- Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. in 1999
- Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. (A): In 1999
- Allianz (B): Integrating an Insurer and a Bank
- Morgan Stanley Japan: Eric Best, Video
- Morgan Stanley and S.G. Warburg: Investment Bank of the Future (B)
- Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. (B): In 2003
- Competing Visions of Stork: The Role of Active Investors
- Credit Suisse (A) (Abridged)
- A Project Dilemma at Canadian Shield Insurance
- Doyle's Dealmaking Dilemma (A): Negotiating the Job Search
- Investing in Online Marketplaces
- Telenor (A): From Cellular Networks to Financial Services
- Market of Exchanges: HKEx and the New Beauty Parade
- Atlantis-Biovent Negotiation: Confidential Instructions for Biovent
- Strategic Planning at Sun Life
- Credit Suisse (D): Energy
- Ibrahim Dabdoub at the National Bank of Kuwait
- State Street Corp.: Leading with Information Technology (B)
- New York Stock Exchange vs. NASDAQ
- Bringing OTC Back to the Exchange: Euronext.liffe's Launch of ABC
- Santander's Acquisition of Abbey: Banking Across Borders
- Allstate Corporation, 2007-2013
- Credit Suisse (A)
- Retail Financial Services in 1998
- Cybersettle
- Two Big Banks' Broken Back Office
- GENICON: Keep Growing or Sell the Company?
- China's Insurance Industry: The Road Less Travelled
- Doyle's Dealmaking Dilemma (B): Final Negotiations
- Citibank's e-Business Strategy for Global Corporate Banking
- From Wall Street to Main Street: Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co.
- Morgan Stanley Japan--2002
- Toro Co. S'no Risk Program
- Darwinians at the Gate: Sustainability, Innovation and Growth at DSM
- Silver Lake
- CIBC Corporate and Investment Banking (C)--1997-99
- Banco do Brasil: From Brazil to the World?
- Charles Schwab: A Category of One
- Atlantis-Biovent Negotiation: Confidential Instructions for Atlantis
- KPMG Forensic: Money Laundering at Agnes Insurance
- Rakuten
- Allianz (A1): An Insurer Acquiring a Bank?
- First Commonwealth Financial Corp.
- Allianz (C): An Interview with Dr. Holger Hatje
- From a Hot Idea to an Established Market Player?
- Zopa: The Power of Peer-to-Peer Lending
- CIBC-Barclays: Should Their Caribbean Operations Be Merged?
- Micro Insurance Agency: Helping the Poor Manage Risk
- Retail Financial Services in 1998: Charles Schwab
- Edward Jones
- Capital One Financial Corp.: Setting and Shaping Strategy
- Social Strategy at American Express, Chinese Version
- Retail Financial Services in 1998: First Union
- Ho Chi Minh Securities Corporation: Seeking Competitive Advantage in Vietnam's Evolving Financial Sector
- Bumper Acquisition (B)
- Bank of America and the Chinese Credit Card Market
- Enabling Business Strategy with IT at the World Bank
- Back to the Future: The Evolution of Sun Microsystems' Business Model (1982 to 2007)
- Hyundai Securities: International Expansion
- Competition in Japanese Financial Markets--2002
- Pricing for Profit: Multi-Part Pricing in the U.K. Credit Card Industry
- Bumper Acquisition (A2): Confidential Information for Medallion Capital, Inc.
- Sorensen Chevrolet File
- Progressive Corp.
- HSBC France: Re-Branding CCF (A)
- Allianz (D2): The Dresdner Transformation
- Citigroup 2003: Testing the Limits of Convergence (A)
- Allianz AG
- Banco Real: Banking on Sustainability, Portuguese Version
- Wells Fargo Bank & Electronic Banking
- UBS Private Banking
- Ares-Serono
- General Electric's Expansion in the Middle East
- Optimization and Expansion at OpenTable
- Progressive, 2007-2013
- Allianz (A2): An Insurer Acquired a Bank
- Ebao Technology: An E-Insurance Enabler
- Credit Suisse (C): Home Owner Centers
- Business Development Bank of Canada
- Hang Seng Bank's e-Banking: Leveraging an Established Brand for New Relationships
- Citibank: Global Customer Management
- Credit Card Pricing
- Pivots and Incentives at LevelUp
- Connor, Clark & Lunn
- China Merchants Bank in Transition
- PayPal Merchant Services
- Capitalising on a World-Class Securities Trading System: HKEx's AMS/3
- Retail Financial Services in 1998: Fidelity Investments
- NextCard
- Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010
- Cola Wars Continue: Coke vs. Pepsi in the Twenty-First Century
- Cadbury Schweppes: Capturing Confectionery (B)
- PepsiCo's Restaurants
- Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream, Inc.: A Period of Transition
- Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal Industry in 1994 (A)
- Blue Ocean Strategy: From Theory to Practice
- Whole Foods Market, Inc.
- Husky Injection Molding Systems
- Coca-Cola in 2011: In Search of a New Model
- Adolph Coors in the Brewing Industry
- The IOI Group: Creating a Malaysian Palm Oil Multinational
- Red Bull (A)
- Grolsch: Growing Globally
- Bitter Competition: The Holland Sweetener Co. vs. NutraSweet (A)
- Nestle-Rowntree (B)
- Nestle-Rowntree (A)
- Heineken-Brewing a Better World
- Nestle-Rowntree (C)
- The Munich Oktoberfest: From Local Tradition to Global Capitalism
- Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal Industry: Philip Morris
- Cat Fight in the Pet Food Industry (B)
- Pantaleon
- Birds Eye and the U.K. Frozen Food Industry (B)
- Cocoa Pete's Chocolate Adventures
- Snapple Beverages
- Cat Fight in the Pet Food Industry (C)
- Freemark Abbey Winery (Abridged)
- Tea and Sustainability at Unilever: Turning Over a New Leaf (A)
- Vlasic Foods, Inc., Addendum
- Bitter Competition: The Holland Sweetener Co. vs. NutraSweet (B)
- Cadbury Schweppes: Capturing Confectionery (D), Spanish Version
- Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal Industry: Kellogg
- Coca-Cola Chile Foundation
- Ice-Fili, Portuguese Version
- The Coca-Cola Company
- PepsiCo: A View from the Corporate Office
- Bimbo Group and Papalote Museo del Nino, Spanish Version
- Cat Fight in the Pet Food Industry (D)
- Cola Wars Continue: Coke vs. Pepsi in the 1990s
- Alfa Laval Agri (A): Keeping Leadership in the Dairy Industry
- Bitter Competition: The Holland Sweetener Co. vs. NutraSweet (C)
- AmBev, The Dream Project (A): A Brazilian-Based Multinational Beverage Company with Global Scale
- Sweet Concepts, Inc.: Trade Show Marketing
- Tesco Plc., Portuguese Version
- Alpina Inc.
- McDonald's and the McCafe Coffee Initiative
- A.1. Steak Sauce: Lawry's Defense
- Odwalla, Inc.
- Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal Industry: Quaker Oats
- Parmalat SpA: An Impressive Milking System
- Cat Fight in the Pet Food Industry (A)
- Cadbury Schweppes (A): The Strategic Dilemma of Trebor Bassett
- (A2): Confidential Instructions for HomeBase
- The Wine Industry
- Rubicon Program's Corporate Strategy, (Video) DVD
- Adam Baxter Co./Local 190: 1983 Negotiation, Baxter Management Confidential Information
- Illycaffe and Gruppo illy (A): Expanding Beyond Gourmet Coffee
- Sula Vineyards
- Cadbury Schweppes (C): The Performance Management Process
- PACRIM DISPUTE - General Instructions
- Bitter Competition: The Holland Sweetener Co. vs. NutraSweet (D), Spanish Version
- Harmon Foods, Inc., Spanish Version
- Cola Wars: Going Global
- PACRIM DISPUTE - Confidential Instructions for the Representative of Fuji
- Hundred-Year War: Coke vs. Pepsi--1890s-1990s
- Note on Setting the Scope of Your Business
- Alfa Laval Agri (B): Launching the "Green Circle"
- Pepsi Grows Potatoes in China
- Fishery Products International Ltd.: A New Challenge
- McDonald's: The Hamburger Price Wars
- BAKRA BEVERAGE - Confidential Instructions for Bakra Beverage's Sales Director
- Anheuser-Busch Versus SABMiller: Bidding War in China's Beer Industry
- Jamba Juice (B)
- Adam Baxter Co./Local 190: 1985 Negotiation, Local 190 Confidential Information
- PepsiCo: The Challenge of Growth Through Innovation
- Marks and Spencer Ltd. (A)
- Arcor: Global Strategy and Local Turbulence (Abridged)
- Vincor and the New World of Wine
- Note on the U.S. Chocolate Market
- Kirin Brewery Co., Ltd.: The Dry Beer War
- Monsanto and Genetically Modified Organisms
- Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2006
- Bitter Competition: The Holland Sweetener Co. vs. NutraSweet (G)
- Coca-Cola FEMSA's Contribution to Peace
- Campbell Soup Co. Ltd.
- Philip Reade
- Chinese Beer Industry, 2004
- McDonald's: The Arch Deluxe Launch (Condensed)
- Coopers Brewery
- Cadbury Schweppes: Capturing Confectionery (C), Spanish Version
- Kellogg-Worthington Merger
- Tea and Sustainability at Unilever: Turning Over a New Leaf (B)
- Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi-Cola and the Soft Drink Industry
- (A1): Confidential Instructions for WineMaster
- J Sainsbury Plc, Road to Recovery
- Cadbury Schweppes (B): Managing for Value
- Global Seeds to Village Farmers: Hearing the Voices at the BoP
- PACRIM DISPUTE - Confidential Instructions for the Representative of Hawani
- ITC e-Choupal: Corporate Social Responsibility in Rural India
- Kraft General Foods: The Merger (A)
- Adam Baxter Co./Local 190: 1985 Negotiation, Baxter Management Confidential Information
- Gruppo illy SpA (B): Universita del Caffe
- Cocoa Pete's Chocolate Adventures (Abridged)
- Strategic Countermoves: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi
- Product Proliferation and Preemption
- General Mills Board and Strategic Planning
- PACRIM DISPUTE - Confidential Instructions for the Representative of Indocarta
- Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal Industry in 1994 (B)
- Bitter Competition: The Holland Sweetener Co. vs. NutraSweet (E), Spanish Version
- Bitter Competition: The Holland Sweetener Co. vs. NutraSweet (F), Spanish Version
- Beijing Hualian
- Ron Santa Teresa's Social Initiatives, Spanish Version
- Rebranding Godiva: The Yildiz Strategy
- BRL Hardy: Globalizing an Australian Wine Company, Spanish Version
- Note on the U.S. Soft Drink Industry in 1986
- Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A2)
- Honest Tea: Sell Up or Sell Out?
- Moet-Hennessy Group
- Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal Industry: Product Proliferation and Preemption
- Casa Pedro Domecq
- Internationalizing the Cola Wars (B): The Battle for India
- Marks and Spencer Ltd. (B)
- Arla and MD Foods--The Merger Decision (A)
- Ceja Vineyards: Marketing to the Hispanic Wine Consumer?
- Alfa Laval Agri (C): Regaining a Technological Edge
- Delta Beverage Group, Inc.
- Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd. (A)
- Anheuser-Busch in 1999
- Hudepohl Brewing Co., Spanish Version
- PepsiCo, Profits, and Food: The Belt Tightens
- Ganong Bros. Ltd.
- South African Breweries in Tanzania
- Maple Leaf Consumer Foods--Fixing Hot Dogs (A)
- Six Sigma Implementation at Maple Leaf Foods
- Yum! Brands
- PEPSI: The Indian Challenge
- Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi-Cola (A)
- Nestle SA: Nutrition, Health and Wellness Strategy, Portuguese Version
- Seven-Up Division of Philip Morris
- Arcor: Global Strategy and Local Turbulence, Spanish Version
- Asahi's Single-Brand Strategy
- Energy Gel: A New Product Introduction (A)
- Lucchetti
- Eco-Branding: The Case of Änglamark
- Lion Nathan and the Chinese Beer Industry
- Stonewall Kitchen
- Frog's Leap Winery in 2011: The Sustainability Agenda Case and Video
- HEB International Supermarkets and the Banco de Alimentos de Caritas de Monterrey, Spanish Version
- BAKRA BEVERAGE - Confidential Instructions for BebsiCo's Director of Middle East Operations
- Birds Eye and the U.K. Frozen Food Industry (A)
- Destination Products, Inc.
- Adam Baxter Co./Local 190: Debrief and Endnotes
- Anheuser-Busch and the U.S. Brewing Industry
- Free the Grapes--Direct-to-Consumer Shipping in the Wine Industry
- Ice-Fili (Abridged)
- Jamba Juice (A)
- Kanpur Confectioneries Private Limited (B)
- Troubles at Tesco, 2012
- International Foodstuffs
- The COFCO Group
- Perdue Farms Inc.: Antibiotic Use in Hatcheries
- Obesity and McLawsuits
- Vlasic Foods, Inc., Supplement
- The Pub: Survive, Thrive or Die?
- ABS Global-Canada
- Marks and Spencer Ltd. (C)
- Cooley Distillery: The Independent Spirit of Ireland
- The Deutsch-Casella Joint Venture and [Yellow Tail]® Wines: Trading Up or Trading Down?
- Kraft General Foods: The Merger (B)
- Adam Baxter Co./Local 190: 1983 Negotiation, Local 190 Confidential Information
- La Fageda
- Nestle-Rowntree (A&B)
- AARP Foundation (A)
- Wal-Mart Stores: "Everyday Low Prices" in China
- Infrastructure Finance: The Sydney Cross City Tunnel
- The U.S. Postal Service: A First Class Disruption
- Infant HIV Diagnostics: Supply Chain in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Defining Torture in the War on Terror (A): 'Checking with the Professionals'
- Environment Canada
- AstraZeneca, Prilosec, and Nexium: Case Supplement
- Protecting the WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999
- Executone Information Systems, Inc.
- Corporate Reform Elements of the Dodd-Frank Act
- Law Enforcement and Unauthorized Building Works: Illegal Structures and the Hong Kong Buildings Department
- Social Enterprise for Sustainable Communities Cases
- Clear Channel Communications, Inc.
- Telecommunications Regulation and Coordinated Competition in Romania
- Turkcell
- London's Congestion Charge
- Credible Warning or False Alarm? What the US Knew on September 10th, 2001
- Launching the War on Terrorism, Spanish Version
- Defining Torture in the War on Terror (Sequel)
- Supplement to "MedCath Corporation (A)" and "MedCath Corporation (B)"
- Chinese Medicine in an Emerging Market
- PlaNet Finance: Broad Scope in Microfinance
- FedDev Ontario
- Corporate Restructuring of Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation
- The Boeing Tanker Lease Deal (B)
- Women's Community House and Mine101: Is Social Enterprise Worth It?
- Defining Torture in the War on Terror (B): The Trail of the 'Torture Memo'
- MedCath Corp. (B)
- Beyond the Border
- CARE: Making Markets Work for the Poor
- Newfoundland Centre for the Arts
- South Korea's High-Speed Internet Industry
- Privatization of Telecommunications in Peru (Sequel)
- DART's Suburban Service
- Note on the FDA Review Process for Medical Devices
- paREDI: Regional Economic Development and Strategic Planning
- Diamond Cab: Investment of a Venture Philanthropy Fund
- WWF's Living Planet @ Work: Championed by HP
- Privatization of Telecommunications in Peru
- La Ribera Health Department
- Currency Wars
- Lott Industries: The CEO Fights for Survival
- Brigham and Women's Hospital in 1992
- AstraZeneca, Prilosec, and Nexium: Strategic Challenges in the Launch of a Second-Generation Drug
- Inkaterra
- Cyberport: Realisation of an IT Park Through a Public-Private Partnership
- Tata Steel Zoological Park
- Assertive Policing, Plummeting Crime: The NYPD Takes on Crime in New York City
- Uganda: The Constitution of Development
- The U.S. Federal Gasoline Tax: Time for a Change?
- Law Enforcement and Unauthorized Building Works: Epilogue: "For a Culture of Building Care"
- Conseco: Market Assumptions and Risk
- Protecting the WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999, Epilogue
- Building a Positive Future for Children with Disabilities through Strategic Partnerships
- MedCath Corp. (A)
- The Boeing Tanker Lease Deal (A)
- Strategic Planning at the New York Botanical Garden (B)
- MEDLEE: IN PURSUIT OF A HEALTHY JOINT VENTURE - Confidential Instructions for T.S. Lee, Vice President, Lee Medical Supply
- Get on Top of Your Game
- Strategic Planning at the New York Botanical Garden (C)
- MEDLEE: IN PURSUIT OF A HEALTHY JOINT VENTURE - Confidential Instructions for Pat Armstrong, MedDevice, Inc.'s Director of International Strategic Market Research
- Should It Survive? Charles Dunlap and the National Family Legal Foundation
- Cleveland Clinic: Transformation and Growth 2015
- Reconfiguring Stroke Care in North Central London
- The UCLA Medical Center: Kidney Transplantation
- CEO Decision-making at Prairie Health Services
- Time for a Change at The Change Foundation
- Battle of the Bulge: Private and Public Solutions for Obesity (B)
- Health Resources & Technology
- Philips Medical Systems in 2005
- Sunrise Medical in 1999
- Diagnostic Genomics
- Philips-Visicu
- Laastari: Building a Retail Health Clinic Chain
- Hillside Hospital: Physician-Led Planning (Part B)
- Mt. Auburn Hospital
- Bayer in India: Intellectual Property Expropriation?
- Natura-Ekos: From the Forest to Cajamar, Spanish Version
- WellSpace Treatment Centers for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (A)
- Pitney Bowes: Employer Health Strategy
- Pharma Technologies Inc.
- Radiology Management Sciences
- LifeSpring Hospitals: Delivering Affordable, High-quality Maternal Health Care in India
- A Strategic Risk Approach to Knowledge Management
- Mobile C.A.R.E.
- Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer (A)
- deCODE Genetics: Hunting for Genes to Develop Drugs
- Dr. Mak Lap Ming
- Profamilia: Planning to Survive
- ThedaCare: System Strategy
- The Joslin Diabetes Center
- American Medical Association
- Centro de Gestion Hospitalaria
- Baxter's Asia Pacific "Talent Edge" Initiative
- Anthem, Inc.
- Hospital Sector in 1992
- Double Vision: Making Eye Care Accessible through Cross-Subsidization
- Implementing a Patient-Centered Medical Home on Mount Desert Island
- Corporacion de Ayuda al Nino Quemado (COANIQUEM) and ESSO Chile
- Sunrise Medical, Inc.'s Wheelchair Products
- U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Releasing New Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening (A)
- Apollo Hospitals--First-World Health Care at Emerging-Market Prices
- WebMD (A)
- Embrace (A): Opportunity Identification
- Chongqing Peace Medical Corporation Ltd (B): Charting a Strategy in China's Rapidly Changing Health-Care Environment
- Reinventing Brainlab (B)
- Prayas by Sanofi-Aventis in India: Making Healthcare Accessible to the Bottom of the Pyramid
- Innovating for the Safety Net: Practical Considerations
- New Model for the Pharmaceutical Industry: The Institute for OneWorld Health
- Highland District County Hospital: Gastroenterology Care in Sweden
- VisionSpring in India: Enabling Affordable Eyeglasses for the Poor
- Reinventing Brainlab
- Commonwealth Care Alliance: Elderly and Disabled Care
- Farmacias Ahumada S.A. and the Fundacion Las Rosas, Spanish Version
- Hillside Hospital: Physician-Led Planning (Part A)
- The Kinetics and Michael J. Fox Foundations (B): New Directions
- Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll: The MTV Approach to Tackling HIV/AIDS
- Family Matters at ProLab
- Problems at InSpeech
- Novartis: Leading a Global Enterprise
- Chonqing Peace Medical Corporation Ltd (A): Establishing A Foothold in China's Health-Care Environment
- Biocon Ltd., Building a Biotech Powerhouse
- Organizational Transformation at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- KwikAxess: A New Business Model
- Salick Cardiovascular Centers: Business Plan
- DORD - Expanding Health Services in Rural Bihar
- Narayana Hrudayalaya Heart Hospital, Video
- Singapore's Healthcare Industry
- NationWide Primary Healthcare Services: Evolving Business Model
- The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia: Network Strategy
- Siemens Medical Solutions: Strategic Turnaround
- Supplement to "Battle of the Bulge-Private and Public Solutions to Obesity"
- U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Releasing New Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening (B)
- Ocimum Biosolutions: From Bioinformatics to Integrated Custom Research Outsourcing
- 3M ESPE AG: Managing Intellectual Property in the Dental Impression Materials Market
- Miracle Mind Hypnosis Centre - The London Practice
- Oral Insulin: Breakthrough Innovation at Biocon
- After the BRICs: Choosing from Other Emerging Markets
- Great Western Hospital: High-risk Pregnancy Care
- Gojo Industries: Aiming for Global Sustainability Leadership
- The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center: Interdisciplinary Cancer Care
- Calloway Laboratory: Pee for Profit
- Watson Children's Shelter
- Embrace (B): Opportunity Assessment
- Cruzsalud: Health Care for Low-Sectors
- SARS Outbreak in Toronto
- LifeNet International's Transformation of African Healthcare via Social Franchising
- In-Vitro Fertilization: Outcomes Measurement
- Key State Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plan: A Strategy for Winning in the Market through Customer-Focused Service
- Embrace (C): Competing with Incumbents
- Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center: Breast Cancer Care in Taiwan
- Partners In Health: HIV Care in Rwanda
- Cialis
- o.b The Case of the Missing Tampons
- Dr. Cameron Powell and AirStrip Technologies: After the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference
- Innovative Public Health in Alberta: Scalability Challenge
- Biodesign for the Underserved
- Yunnan Baiyao: Traditional Medicine Meets Product/Market Diversification
- Liberty Medical Group (A)
- International Oncology Services Private Limited
- eClinicalWorks: The Paths to Growth
- Community Blood Center of the Carolinas: Building for a Better Community
- General Electric Healthcare, 2006
- American Cancer Society: Access to Care
- Texas Children's Hospital: Congenital Heart Disease Care
- Partnering to Enter New Markets, Video (DVD)
- Boehringer Ingelheim: Leading Innovation
- Global Healthcare Exchange
- Micro Labs Limited: Planning for the Future
- Proactive Medicare Enterprise (HK) Ltd.: Providing Healthcare in Mainland China
- Health Care Reform: 2009-2010
- VisionSpring: A Lens for Growth at the Base of the Pyramid
- Challenges in Renal Care
- Expansion at Narayana Hrudayalaya, Video
- Ledina Lushko: Navigating Health Care Delivery
- Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. Clinical Score-Card
- Integrating Private Practice and Hospital-Based Breast Services at Baystate Health (Part B)
- Cancer Care Ontario: An Innovation Strategy for Managing Wait Times
- PluroGen Therapeutics
- Henry Schein: Doing Well by Doing Good?
- Global Health Partner: Obesity Care
- Embrace (D): Building the Business Model
- Schon Klinik: Eating Disorder Care
- Canadian Cancer Society: Fundraising Controversy
- British National Health Service Reform
- Liberty Medical Group (B): Crossing the Great Divide
- WuXi PharmaTech
- Integrating Private Practice and Hospital-Based Breast Services at Baystate Health (Part A)
- Sydney IVF: Stem Cell Research
- McKesson
- The Great East Japan Earthquake (C): Ishinomaki Kouwan Hospital's Response
- WebMD (B)
- Hilton Hotels: Brand Differentiation through Customer Relationship Management
- Jollibee Foods Corp. (A): International Expansion
- Regal Carnation Hotel, Guam
- The Haidilao Company
- The Beer Cases (A): A-B InBev
- El Castillo: The Eco-Fairy Castle
- Planet Starbucks (A)
- Novotel Suvarnabhumi Airport Hotel: Aligning Development with Operation
- Meizhou Dongpo Restaurant Group
- Choice Hotels International--1995
- Jollibee Foods Corp. (B): Global Focus
- Selling Ready-to-Drink Tea in Southeast Asia: C2 Green Tea in Indonesia (C)
- Canyon Ranch, Spanish Version
- Arcos Dorados: How to Lead and From Where
- Planet Starbucks (B)
- Environmental Quality International in SIWA
- Ross Walker's Path to Power, Video
- ACCOR (A), Spanish Version
- Tim Hortons Inc.
- American Fast Food in Korea
- Juchheim: The Failthful Pursuit of Flavour, Culture and Family Values
- Sugar & Spice Desserts: Strategic Position Defensibility
- Ross Walker's Path to Power
- The Beer Cases (C): Tsingtao Brewery
- Jollibee Foods Corp. (A): International Expansion, Video
- Cold Stone Creamery
- Developing an International Growth Strategy at New York Fries
- Fog of Business
- Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Ltd.
- Service Sabotage: The Dark Side of Service Dynamics
- Domino's Pizza
- Sri Lanka's Aitken Spence Hotel Holdings: Competitive Strategy and Sustainable Tourism
- Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A1)
- Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces: To Pierre or Not to Pierre (A)
- Selling Ready-to-Drink Tea in Southeast Asia: C2 Green Tea in the Philippines (A)
- McDonald's (in 2013): How to Win (Again)?
- Wadeshwar Restaurants: Strategies for Growth
- Sustaining Customer Centricity at Chateauform'
- Hotel Latvia: Sell Out, Hang Out or Partner?
- The Monte Lauro Vineyards Story
- Tricon Restaurants International: Globalization Re-examined
- McDonald's Twitter Campaign: Hype Versus Reality
- Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces: To Pierre or not to Pierre (B)
- Selling Ready-to-Drink Tea in Southeast Asia: C2 Green Tea in Vietnam (B)
- Bikanervala: A Never-ending Quest to Delight Customers
- Eat Me: The World on Small Plates
- The Beer Cases (B): Groupo Modelo
- Signalling Costs
- Sustaining Customer Centricity at Chateauform', Supplement
- Darden Restaurants: Serving Up the Future
- Uncle Betty's: Toronto's Most Innovative Chef-quality Diner
- Damaà Lovina Villas: Can Eco-standards and Certification Create Competitive Advantage for a Luxury Resort?
- ZARA: Fast Fashion
- Tesla Motors
- Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A)
- Apple Inc. in 2012
- Nucor at a Crossroads
- Yellowtail Marine, Inc.
- Crown Cork & Seal in 1989
- Heavy Metal (A): Baosteel Enters Brazil
- Intuit QuickBooks: From Product to Platform
- Agile Electric: Quality Issues in a Global Supply Chain
- Sustainability at IKEA Group
- Wal-Mart Stores in 2003
- 3M Optical Systems: Managing Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Wal-Mart Stores in 2003 (Abridged Version)
- Operations Strategy at Galanz
- Electrosteel Castings Ltd.
- Finning International Inc. in the United Kingdom
- Aluminum Smelting in South Africa: Alusaf's Hillside Project, Portuguese Version
- Redesigning Nissan (B): Leading Change
- Military Arsenal Systems: Preparing to Lead a Team (A)
- AAC Technologies (B): Strategies for Development and Growth
- C.K. Coolidge, Inc. (Abridged)
- Managing Pibrex Russia (A): New Crisis, Old Grievances
- Caterpillar Tractor Co., Spanish Version
- Asociacion Colombiana de Industrias Plasticas (Acoplasticos), Spanish Version
- Old Spice: Revitalizing Glacial Falls
- Aluminum Industry in 1994
- Organic Growth at Sonnentor
- DEC V. RIVERSIDE - Confidential Instructions for DEC
- 961 Beer: Launching a Lebanese Brewing Company
- Komatsu Ltd., Spanish Version
- Du Pont's Titanium Dioxide Business (A), Spanish Version
- Growth of Bannari Amman Group - A Family-owned Enterprise
- Watermill Ventures
- A123Systems
- Electrolux AB: Managing Innovation
- BLES Biochemicals Inc. (B)
- Sherwin Williams: Splashing Into the Low VOC Paint Market
- Nireco Co., Japan: Introduction of the Poison Pill
- Interview with Anders Byriel and Mads Nygard: Kvadrat, Video
- Ferro Industries - Exporting Challenge in a Small Firm
- Dr. Sergio Ceccuzzi and SMI: Negotiating Cross-Border Acquisitions in Europe (A), Chinese Version
- vs. DuPont (B): The Crisis Widens
- Managing Pibrex Russia (B): Developing Organizational Strategies to Ensure Sustainable Profitability
- Austal, Ltd. A
- Nine Dragons Paper-2009
- Manjushree Technopak Limited
- MGT Group: Reconstructing the Supply Chain After a Cross-Border Factory Relocation
- Artecola: Building a Global Brazilian Multinational from Rio Grande do Sul
- Du Pont's Titanium Dioxide Business (E), Spanish Version
- DEC V. RIVERSIDE - Confidential Instructions for Riverside Lumber
- Brighter Smiles for the Masses--Colgate vs. P&G, Spanish Version
- Acquisition Wave in the Fine Chemicals Industry (B)
- Textron, Inc.
- A123 Systems Powering a Sustainable Future: Strategizing in the Advanced Battery Market
- Eli Lilly in India: Rethinking the Joint Venture Strategy
- Nissan's U-Turn: 1999-2001: Condensed Version of Redesigning Nissan (A & B)
- Negotiating the Right to Know: Rhone-Poulenc and Manchester, Texas (B)
- The Clorox Company Goes Green
- Du Pont's Titanium Dioxide Business (C)
- RCA: Color Television and the Department of Justice (A)
- Michelin in the Land of the Maharajahs (A): Note on the Tire Industry in India
- Prince Pipes and Fittings Pvt. Ltd., India
- Shanghai Interior Automotive Door System: Running a Manufacturing Operation in China
- E Ink in 2008
- ALEAP: A Leap of Faith for Women Entrepreneurs
- Dr. Sergio Ceccuzzi and SMI: Negotiating Cross-Border Acquisitions in Europe (B), Chinese Version
- Henry Birks & Sons, Inc.
- C.K. Coolidge, Inc. (A)
- Saturn Corp.'s Module II Decision
- vs. DuPont (C): After the Crisis
- Tinplate Company of India - Need for a Conceptual Focus
- Dominion Engineering Works
- Ducati: In Pursuit of Magic (A)
- The Timken Company (B): Toward a New Strategy?
- Siemens Energy (in 2010): How to Engineer a Green Future?
- CIBA-GEIGY AG: Impact of Inflation and Currency Fluctuations
- Four Star Industries Singapore - Matching Supply with Demand
- Cabot Corporation: The Fuel Cell Decision (B)
- Should Ranbaxy Launch an Energy Candy in India?
- General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (C)
- Cluster Mobilization in Mitteldeutschland
- Alusaf Hillside Project
- Tenaris: Creating a Global Leader from an Emerging Market
- DEC--Confidential Instructions
- Du Pont's Titanium Dioxide Business (B), Spanish Version
- Unilever's Lifebuoy in India: Implementing the Sustainability Plan
- Midwest Electronics' Asian Expansion
- Redesigning Nissan (A): Carlos Ghosn Takes Charge
- Otis Elevator Co.: China Strategy (A)
- Harlequin Enterprises: The MIRA Decision
- vs. DuPont (A): The Game Changer
- Tetra Pak Argentina
- Shanghai NSE Electric Co. Ltd. and Its International Cooperation
- Marco Arcelli at ENEL (A)
- Newell Co.: Acquisition Strategy
- Chinese Fireworks Industry
- Hawthorne Plastics
- A B2B Exchange
- LG Chemical: Capacity Expansion and Product Mix in China
- Midea: Globalization Challenge for a Leading Chinese Home Appliance Manufacturer
- Cooper Industries' Corporate Strategy (A), Spanish Version
- Negotiating the Right to Know: Rhone-Poulenc and Manchester, Texas (A2)
- GAZ Group Russia: The Gazelle Light Commercial Truck
- Aligning Culture and Strategy at A. P. Nichols
- Voluntary Producer Responsibility: Carton Packaging Recycling in U.S.
- Ethyl Corp. in 1979
- iSteelAsia--2001
- Genentech (in 2011): After the Acquisition by Roche
- Quick Drying Paint And Licensing Negotiations
- Beer for All: SABMiller in Mozambique
- Desktop Printer Industry in 1990
- The Timken Company (A1): Timken and Poland
- American Cyanamid
- Aura Light: from a Light Bulb Manufacturer to an Energy Savings Solutions Provider
- Gerdau (A), Chinese Version
- Level (3) Communications in 2001: The
- Du Pont's Titanium Dioxide Business (F)
- DMD Compresores: Adjusting the Business Model, Spanish Version
- Innovation Without Walls: Alliance Management at Eli Lilly and Company
- The Transformation of NCR
- Chemplan Corp.: Paint-Rite Division
- Cytec Industries' Spin-Off (B): Managing the Challenges of Success
- Acquisition Wave in the Fine Chemicals Industry (C)
- TPV Technology Ltd.: The Computer Monitor Business
- Taking Dell Private
- Baoshan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.: Crafting a Three-Way Cross-Border, Cross-Shareholding Alliance
- Rand McNally: Navigating the Wireless Landscape
- DAAG Europe (A), Introductory Note
- Growing tentree: Social Enterprise, Social Media and Environmental Sustainability
- Copeland Corporation: Manufacturing in China
- The Luster Paint Corporation
- Telect Inc. and the 30-Year Ride: Edgy or Over the Edge?
- Vertu: Nokia's Luxury Mobile Phone for the Urban Rich
- Military Arsenal Systems: Preparing to Lead a Team (B)
- DEC V. RIVERSIDE - General Instructions
- BLES Biochemicals Inc. (A)
- Alliance Management at Forbes Marshall
- Marco Arcelli at ENEL (B)
- healthymagination at GE (in 2011)
- Riverside and DEC: General Information
- Du Pont's Titanium Dioxide Business (D)
- Industrial Metrology: Getting In-Line? (A)
- RCA: Color Television and the Department of Justice (B)
- Yama Ribbons & Bows Co., Ltd.: Where to Next?
- YM Biosciences
- Harnischfeger Industries: Portal Cranes
- Goodyear and the Threat of Government Tire Grading
- Sandvik AB (B)
- Newell Rubbermaid: Strategy in Transition
- Smashing the Cube: Corporate Transformation at CIBA-GEIGY Ltd.
- Newell Co.: The Rubbermaid Opportunity
- Escatsa: The UK and Hungary Decisions
- Timex Corp.
- Sandvik AB (A)
- Sport-Fresh Gels: Choosing a Path
- Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc. (Condensed)
- Crown Cork & Seal and the Metal Container Industry
- Supply Chain Management at International Automotive
- MULTIMODE, INC. - Confidential Instructions for T. Boyd
- Knights Apparel and the Alta Gracia Factory: Paying a Living Wage
- Otis Pacific Asia Operations (A): National Challenges
- 3M: Negotiating Air Pollution Credits (A)
- Note on the Paper Machinery Industry
- Seneca Systems (A): General and Confidential Instructions for C. Stevens, Vice President, Assembly Division, Portuguese Version
- Asahi Glass Co.: Diversification Strategy
- The Walt Disney Company and Pixar, Inc.: To Acquire or Not to Acquire?
- Google Inc. in 2014
- Netflix Leading with Data: The Emergence of Data-Driven Video