Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply vision, mission, goals, and objectives (VMGO)

Posted by George on Jul-15-2022

Looking for expert help in corporate-level case study solutions and other MBA EMBA-related theoretical frameworks? EssayDays can help. For instance, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply's Vision case study largely relates to the subject of sales and marketing. Moreover, it also touches upon sub-topics such as value proposition, growth strategy, marketing, pricing, and strategic planning.

VMGO or Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply's Vision case study sheds light on the strategic planning process that helps the management implement pre-planned business strategies. This Vision case study solution will help the higher management at Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply better set a direction for their Business and properly strategize it to achieve the desired goals. Down here is a live illustration of a standard Vision case study solution. Ask us for instant help in your custom Vision case solution.  

1. What is Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives (VMGO)

Setting a clear vision, mission, goals, and objectives (VMGO) is part of the strategic planning process that helps management in implementing the planned business strategies. Business organizations use VMGO as a comprehensive strategic planning tool to provide a blueprint for translating the dreams into actions. Through VMGO process, organizations build consensus, and direct the efforts towards achieving the assigned objectives that are based on broader goals, and reflect the organization's vision and mission. The VMGO process enables the organizations to emphasize on the short-term objectives, while keeping an eye on the long-term goals, mission, and vision.


There are certain times, when organizations should use this process to provide the right direction. For instance, the VMGO process is important when a news organization is established. Another time is when a new initiative is taken, or an organization starts a large project that may put the business in a new direction. VMGO process is also adopted when an organization enters into a new growth phase.

Vision, mission, goals, and objectives are four legs, and are interconnected in a way that an organization cannot only talk about the vision without communicating its mission, goals, and objectives. Vision is a vivid mental image of a business’s desired future state, mission refers to the core business purpose and drivers that may lead towards achieving the vision, goals are broad targets that businesses strive to achieve over the long-term, and objectives refer to the specific and measurable actions that organization could take to accomplish the broader goals. This article applies the VMGO model to understand the strategic priorities of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply.

2. Model application on Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply

2.1 Vision of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply

2.1.1 What is vision?

Vision of an organization is also called the ‘organizational purpose’. It is designed to reflect fundamental reasons for a business’s existence. At Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply, the vision is shared and believed by all organizational members. Being a future-oriented concept, vision reflects the Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s long-term dream. When vision is described in two to three sentences, it forms a vision statement. Vision statement forms a mental image of ‘desired’ future organizational state, and articulates a view of organization’s realistic, attractive and credible future.


2.1.2 Importance of having a vision for Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply?

Having a clearly articulated vision is important for Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply as it provides necessary direction for business to achieve its purpose. The vision also helps Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply in setting the long-term goals. It serves as a guide for management in challenging times, and motivates employees to work towards achievement of shared goals. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s vision instills the sense of belongingness to the organizational members, and sets the stage for strategic planning. It illustrates what Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply stands for, and why it exists. The vision statement is also important because it forms the inspiration behind all advertising messages and marketing campaigns run by Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply.

2.1.3 Key characteristics of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s vision statement Future focused

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s vision statement is future focused, and has a long-term vision. It describes the Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s desired future state, and conveys the actions that organization strives to engage to achieve the ‘desired future state. The vision statement of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply also guides organizational leaders in taking the right decisions that are important for achieving the broader vision. Clear and well communicated

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply has developed a clear and well-articulated vision statement that communicates the organizational vision to all stakeholders in an easily understandable manner. At the workplace, management takes appropriate steps to communicate the vision across all hierarchal levels, and communicates how vision is connected with the organizational objectives. Bold

By developing a ‘bold’ vision, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply communicates where the business could go in the future. It gives a broader picture, a map, and a challenge for the business to attain the desired future state. Brevity

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply has developed a succinct vision statement that could be easily communicated and remembered by management, employees, stakeholders, and the general public. The statement is neither too short, nor too long. Whole vision reflects in only three sentences, which could easily be remembered. Illuminates values

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s vision statement illuminates the core business values that are strongly connected with the broader organizational purpose. Motivational and vibrant

It is important to develop a vision that is motivational. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s vision statement is motivational and vibrant. It pictures the end result of how Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply would look like upon fulfilling its core purpose of existence. Without explaining the processes of getting there, the vision statement sets the target. This target then motivates the management to adopt and adjust strategies that may help Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply in achieving its vision.

2.2 Mission

2.2.1 What is mission?

Mission statement of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply is a concise description of why the company exists, what it does, how its offerings are different from competitors, who it serves and what is the broader business purpose. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply does not outlines the business outcomes, but highlights the business’s current position and future scenario by explaining target market, product/services and key differentiating factors. This information is provided with a little philosophical touch. Mission keeps the company’s focus on action that may lead towards achievement of core business purpose. It provides an internal direction to Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply for the future, and creates enthusiasm among organizational members to achieve business goals.

2.2.2 Importance of having mission for Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply?

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At Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply, mission statement plays a very important role of motivating employees to achieve organizational goals. It helps employees in seeing the work purpose and meaning. Employees get to know ‘how’ their job contributes towards achieving larger business goals. It boosts the employees’ morale, and encourages them to focus on the positive aspects of routine work activities. Improves performance

A well-crafted mission statement develops an environment that motivates organizational members to set high performance standards, and exert full efforts to achieve the business purpose that reflects into the mission statement. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission statement engages the employees with business’s core values, which ultimately improves the overall business performance. Sets core purpose

The mission statement provides foundation for developing strategies that help Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply in defining core business purpose. When combined with the vision statement, it defines why Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply exists, and how the business is achieving its core purpose.

2.2.3 Key characteristics of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission statement Precise and brief

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission statement is neither too wide, nor too narrow. By keeping the mission statement precise, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply successfully conveys the core business operations, and communicates the overall business goals and objectives at the same time. The mission statement of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply is clear enough to lead to action, and no complex/unclear phrases are added for publicity purpose. Create expectations

A well-designed mission statement creates expectations of targeted audience. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply creates the expectations by targeting the audiences’ ‘most desired’ needs in its mission statement. For instance, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply promises to deliver the best value for money, which creates expectations that customers will receive the ‘best’ value for money every time they will make the purchase decision. Distinct and unique

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission statement is distinct. The company communicates in its mission statement ‘how’ its offerings are different, and what is Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s competitive advantage that differentiates itself from competitors. This distinctiveness sets a unique brand image in public’s mind, which means the Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission cannot be generalized for other brands operating in the same industry. High uniqueness makes it harder for other companies to steal the Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission statement, primarily because while crafting the mission statement, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply specifically considered the factors that make the company special and unique. Positive and motivating

The mission statement of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply spreads positive messages by communicating how Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply solves the problems of the targeted audience, how it meets the stakeholders’ expectations, and how a business creates an overall positive impact for targeted audience and society in general. Mission statement also motivates the organizational and societal members to feel worthwhile for getting connected with organization as employees or customers.

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Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply has a well-targeted mission statement that expresses the brand’s target audience and reflects the audience’s needs and wants. The company knows the importance of tailoring the mission statement to match the audience’s desires. Realistic

Despite being unique and distinct, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission statement remains realistic. It does not include any overly philosophical phrase that may make the mission statement grandiose to the extent where it loses the touch with reality. The company has grounded its mission statement in what business actually provides.

2.2.4 Components of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission statement

A well-crafted mission statement has eight key components. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission statements includes all these components, as explained below:

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Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission statement indicates the products and services that the company offers. All key business offerings are listed in the mission statement to communicate ‘what’ Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply offers to its target market. Targeted market

Other than mentioning the products/services, the mission statement of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply describes ‘to whom’ the products and services are offered and ‘what’ are key target market characteristics. Statement reflects a brief customer profile to indicate the type of market Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply is serving. Technology

In technological section, the mission statement communicates the technologies that Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply is implementing to achieve its business goals. It also demonstrates the Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s commitment to acquiring better vendors who could help Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply in keeping pace with changing technological environment. Philosophy

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s mission statement reflects its basic philosophical beliefs, ethical priorities, and aspirations. Company places high importance to bringing innovation and inspiration, taking care of society, adopting customer-centric approach, and creating value for all stakeholders. Company has incorporated all values and beliefs into its mission statement. Policy

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply considers its employees an important internal stakeholder. In its mission statement, the company describes its policies for employees and workforce welfare so that employees may consider themselves a valuable asset of the organization.

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In its mission statement, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply communicates its competitive advantage and distinctive competencies. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply is committed to enriching the people’s lives around the world by offering a memorable consumption experience with the best value for money. Mission statement also reflects the company’s commitment to environmental welfare, social welfare, quality, and constant innovation. Concern for survival/growth/profitability

An important component of mission statement is reflecting whether company is concerned for survival, growth or profitability. Being a commercial organization, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply clearly reflects its financial objectives within its mission statement, which allows the stakeholders to know company’s strategic priorities and financial motives. Public Image

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply conveys basic business functions and features in its mission statement that sets a positive organizational image in public. By setting the public image, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply employees get guidance about how to behave to comply with the approved public image.

2.3 Goals of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply

2.3.1 What are goals of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply?

Goals are defined as the end point or target that a business wants to achieve in the long run. Goals provide an overall destination that helps the company in realizing the vision. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply has developed motivational and aspirational goals that drive the organization towards achieving desired objectives. Goals include a list of accomplishment that Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply has set, and strives to achieve over the long term. Mostly, the Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s goals have a broad scope, are intangible, and are difficult to measure.

2.3.2 How Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply set business goals?

While determining business goals, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply takes care of the following points:

  •  Set goals are not complicated, and are well-defined to avoid the ambiguity
  • Set goals establish a long-term business strategy
  • Goals are ambitious, but realistic and achievable
  • Set goals help Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply management in visualizing the overall business vision, and the work required to achieve that vision

When goals are set, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply involves all major stakeholders who could share valuable input. It helps Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply in gaining the ‘buy in’ for set goals.

2.3.3 Characteristics of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s business goals

Effective goals give motivation, clarity, and focus, and have specific characteristics that are mentioned below: Challenging

At Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply, goals are set as the vehicles for change rather than the tools of complacent. By assigning challenging goals, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply management motivates the employees to give their best performance. Challenging goals stretch the employees’ mind, and encourage them to think bigger. Although, goals are challenging, but remain attainable to keep the motivation level high. Linked with rewards

It is important to link the goals with rewards to incentivize the goal attainment. At Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply, employees who successfully attain goals are rewarded with salary increments, promotions and other tangible and intangible rewards. Rewards enhance the significance and meaning of goals, and strengthen the employees’ commitment with goals. Result oriented

Goals are result oriented. Compared to objectives, goals are broader and have a more generalized focus. Moreover, it is not possible to cover all possible behavioral and organizational performance aspects in assigned goals. So, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply chooses the most important business areas that make highest contribution to the overall business performance. By using balance scorecard approach, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply sets goals that cover the key result areas. Adaptable

Effective goals are flexible and adaptable. As Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply operates in quickly changing business environment, flexible goals remain alive over a period of time, and allow Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply to adapt with the changing external environment. Inclusive

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply sets business goals that adopt a holistic view, and reflect the expectations of broader stakeholders. Rather than just focusing on wealth maximization for shareholders, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply tends to develop inclusive goals that focus on long-term sustainability. For instance, while setting goals, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply considers the impact on the employees, environment and society.

2.5 Objectives


2.5.1 What are objectives of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply

Business objectives are the results that companies strive to achieve, and include the strategies for getting there. Usually, business objectives include a timeframe within which they could be attained with available resources. While setting objectives, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply considers the SMART criteria that guides the management to ensure that the set objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

Some key objectives of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply are to- increase the profit by 15 percent during next 12 months, drive the sales revenue by 25 percent by the end of year and reduce customer complaints by 50 percent during the next 6 months.

2.4.2 Importance of setting clear business objectives for Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply

At Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply, objectives are mutually set by management and employees and organizational values and goals provide a basic direction during objective setting process. It is important to set the clear business objectives as objectives help company to direct effort and energy for achieving broader goals. When objectives are well-designed and accepted by the employees, they inspire the need to act. Employee involvement in the objective setting is a strong reason behind successful objective achievement at Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply.

2.4.3 Characteristics of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s SMART business objectives

SMART business objectives allow employees and managers to develop, track and achieve short and long-term goals. SMART objectives are designed by parameters that bring traceability and structure together, and create trajectory with clearly defined milestones within a specific timeline. Here are SMART characteristics of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s objectives: Specific

In SMART acronym, ‘S’ refers ‘specific’. Specific objectives provide a clear direction, and employees remain certain about how to act to achieve the set objectives. At Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply, management ensures that objectives are not vague, as unclear objectives could harm the business performance. Managers at Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply help employees in setting, understanding and achieving the assigned specific objectives.

For instance, instead of assigning an unclear objective of ‘increasing sales’, which does not answer what to sale? How much increase? And by when? Management assigns objective like ‘increasing sales of product ‘A’ this year by 20 percent’. By ensuring the specificity, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply employees get clear idea of what they are expected to achieve and by when to achieve. Measurable

Second SMART acronym ‘M’ refers measurable. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply management assigns measurable objectives that could be tracked to ensure if efforts are being exerted in right direction. Managers assign the quantitative measures to make tracking easier. For instance, another SMART objective of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply is to ‘reduce the waste by 30 percent during next 12 months’. This objective is measurable, and could be tracked along the year to measure the progress. Attainable

Third SMART acronym refers ‘attainable’. A common mistake that companies do is that they assign unachievable objectives. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply understands the importance of assigning attainable objectives to avoid frustration and burnout. Before assigning objectives, management analyzes what has been achieved and what could be achieved in available time if employees exert full efforts. It makes objectives challenging yet attainable. Realistic

Fourth SMART acronym refers ‘realistic’. At Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply, management ensures that the organization has all resources that are required for achieving the objectives, and everything is in place from ideation to implementation stage. Timely

Fifth SMART acronym refers ‘timely’. It is important to set the targeted timeframe within which the objectives need to be attained. At Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply, management ensures that the assigned objectives are time bound. Setting deadline cultivates a sense of urgency.

2.7 Alignment between vision, mission, goal, and objectives of Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply

Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply ensures that its vision, mission, goals and objectives share strong alignment. A misalignment between any of these components could negatively affect the Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply’s image, and make it difficult for management to achieve desired business objectives. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply considers its goals and objectives as the building blocks for achieving vision and mission. Through goals, Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply measures the progress towards achieving mission and vision, and considers objectives as the plan for achieving the goals.

3. Conclusion

VMGO is an important strategic planning process that provides necessary guidance to the businesses about how they could achieve their vision, mission, goals and objectives. Johannes Van Den Bosch Receives a Reply has developed a clear, well-articulated vision that is strongly connected with its mission statement. The goals and objectives also reflect the organizational vision and mission. Strong alignment between all four components is an important reason for continued business success.


4. References

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